Det er et fremragende interview Joe Rogan lever med Edward Snowden.
Og de helt store guldklumper kommer hen mod slutningen hvor Snowden virkelig har talt sig varm.
Den her er lige på kornet:
"And increasingly we are living in a world where we do all the work, we pay all the taxes, we pay all the costs, but we own less and less."
Og hvad med den her:
"The story of our lifetimes is how intentionally, by design, a number of institutions, both governmental and corporate realized it was in their mutual interest to conceal their data collection activities, to increase the breadth and depth of their sensor networks that were sort of spread out through society."
"The scandal isn’t how they’re breaking the law. The scandal is that they don’t have to break the law."
Og endelig:
"It’s not data that’s being manipulated, it’s you that’s being manipulated."
Det er citater som vil gå over i historien.